The Mad King And The Golden Crown
The Mad King And The Golden Crown
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Story Details

Rhaella Targaryen has no one with the same last name to help her claim who she is, she grew up in foster care after being told she was found at an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere as a newborn baby. At just twenty-five years old, Rhaella has no friends and no job. She is sleeping and living in her car, as a couple of months prior her adoptive parents and brother died while on a boat that capsized, leaving her with nowhere to live. Rhaella has no surviving family left that she knows of and upon living in her tiny car she has turned hateful, sad, lonely, and broken-hearted living life inside her car wishing for a better life. Until one day she stumbles upon a book that tells her about her actual family ancestry. While reading where her last name came from, Rhaella's whole world seems to shift right before her eyes and somehow she went back in time to when her family history and ancestry were the strongest, wicked, and most conniving. But what strikes her the most about this new strange and magical world is the mad king, who does not at all seem mad, to her. Doesn't it take a person of equal standard to not see the flaws in the person on that same level? If so, then that would make Rhaella just as mad as Daemon Targaryen. If not more than.

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