BREAKING RULES, Combining two worlds, Part 3
BREAKING RULES, Combining two worlds, Part 3
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Rhan's new clan prospered, if only temporarily, as a threat soon arrived from the north in the form of Latarji and several other Taroc who had no intention of coexisting peacefully with the human females. They wanted to dominate, rule and conquer. That they had been busy taking over power for much longer became apparent when they started to aim the heavy long-range weapons at the settlements of the cooperating clans. The small bright spot that Vsar and Ellen, Rhan and Gh’ara had managed to achieve through their collaborations was almost nipped in the bud by the war that broke out in the following years. But where previously the Shri’Traccal men and human women were diametrically opposed, now many a clan worked together to stop the advance of Latarji and his followers. The following story takes you to the aftermath of the Twelve Years’ War. !! I do not own the pictures used in the cover, one of the images is made by Gabriel Wigierski.!!
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I am a (happily) married mother and try to maintain order in my hectic, teenage and dog filled life. Having ADHD myself, just like two of my children, a husband and another daughter with autism, and a very vivid imagination..., my life is never dull. Please note that English is not my first language, so the stories may contain some grammatical errors, but I will try to correct them as soon as I see them. My main goal is to write stories and take readers into a humorous, romantic, exciting and sometimes sad story. I know I'm not Stephen King, J.K. Rowling or Stieg Larsson, but I still hope you enjoy my fantasies. A review or message is always welcome. Lots of love Wendy