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The Wendigo. The whole town fears it, but what is it? A beast? “I have blood on my hands.” “I have a lot more on my hands." A man? “Ginger snap,” The Wendigo’s voice fills the air around me, but I can’t see him. “Why didn’t you just do as I asked you?” Fear? “What are you thinking? You’re going to get in trouble. They’re going to punish you!” A scream tears from me as the pain continues its way down my body; my hands fly up pulling my hair from its roots, scratching the skin from my face as I roll on the cold damp ground, screaming my lungs out. Love? “Are you scared of commitment?” “So I take it you enjoyed last night then?” “I take it you did too?” A family? “The point is to have a family.” “I can’t go back until tomorrow or Pharaoh will send me back out here.” “Your real home.” “Dante, they blocked me out years ago.” When your family doesn’t love you, who do you have? What do you do? You make your own family. You let in love. But what if that is too hard? What if you are too hurt to love? Do you turn to bloodshed? Distance yourself from those who care? Become someone else? Or do you walk the thin line between both choices? Does Raven have a chance on this tightrope to her future or will she fall? Into bloodshed? Into his arms? “Welcome to The Palace of Misfits and Losers.” And may god have mercy on you.
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Hi everyone, this is A.V. Reign.. It's been a while since I've posted anything but I think it's time I get back to writing. I still haven't decided if I should finish my past series but I've posted a new book, Misfits, and hope you enjoy it. I hope to learn and grow as I post and love your opinions and recommendations. It is nice to be back, and I can't wait to share more stories with everyone.