Saving Angel (Book 1, EptaBorromean Realms)
Saving Angel (Book 1, EptaBorromean Realms)
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All her life, Angel was taught to hide her gifts from the world. Like all of the women in her coven designated as Voyeurs, she has an affinity with Death. In her narrow world in the far realm, women are controlled by the coven and used like brood mares for power. Stepping away from all that she knew to make her own way, Angel finds herself worlds away from where she started and the would-be pawn of powerful factions preparing for war. The only way to save her own life and keep her freedom is by Finding Death. The problem is: no one has seen her in hundreds of years.
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It has taken a long time to get to get the courage to share my stories, but here I am. I am half a world away from where I started, living my best life overlooking a Nordic fjord. I am an eclectic writer, easily inspired by the gossip exchanged over bottles of wine, spilled tea, and steaming cups of coffee. If you know, you know.